Health Modules

Autoimmune & Gut Health Course

Our three-week online health module is designed to inspire you with fresh insights and practical steps toward a healthier lifestyle. Even if you’ve "tried everything," this program offers new perspectives and actionable advice that can make a real difference. We’ve worked with numerous clients who have visited multiple specialists — including gastroenterologists, primary care physicians, dermatologists, and neurologists — without finding the solutions they need. By the end of this program, you'll gain clarity on how Berman Health and Wellness can provide personalized support tailored to your needs.

Belly Fat Course

If you're struggling with stubborn abdominal weight gain... if diets, meal plans, and exercise routines haven't worked... if you suspect your hormones may be at play... or if you simply don't feel like yourself anymore, this program is for you.

Over the course of these three weeks, you'll receive daily videos with key takeaways designed to improve your quality of life. Each brief video will present one new strategy to implement, helping you tackle that persistent belly fat and restore your health. The content will challenge you to consider unique factors that may be influencing your weight, well-being, and longevity.

Upon completing this module, you’ll be equipped with valuable knowledge and actionable steps. You can either advance to the next module or contact Berman Health and Wellness for personalized guidance.