Meet the Team

  • Jenni Berman


    Certified Physician Assistant, Anti-Aging Health Practitioner, Fertility Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Nutrition Specialist.

    Jenni is passionate about helping people improve gut health, achieve their goal weight, and feel youthful through natural methods. With a focus on metabolism, hormone balance, and autoimmune reversal, she uses food as medicine to help clients live pain-free, enjoy their favorite activities, and maintain long-lasting health.

  • Stacey Justiniano


    Stacey is a Registered Dietitian with a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics and Nutrition from Florida International University. She completed a 1200-hour dietetic internship with a focus on clinical nutrition, functional medicine, and entrepreneurship. With over 2 years of experience, Stacey takes a holistic and anti-diet approach, helping clients create sustainable lifestyles to achieve and maintain their health goals.

  • Jessica


    Jessica, BSBA, graduate from Auburn University at Montgomery, is the head administrator at Berman Health and Wellness. Jessica aims to create a warm and welcoming environment for everyone who steps through the door.

    She ensures all client's documents and programs are handled appropriately. She is Jenni and Stacey's right-hand woman and ensures all processes in the office run smoothly and efficiently. You can rely on Jessica to handle all administrative duties in a timely manner.

  • Lizzette


    Liz majored with a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. She has worked for Business Process Outsourcing companies that have tied up with well-known companies in the US, some of which are telecommunications companies and e-commerce websites. She started working remotely in March 2021. She joined our team in April 2023.

    Liz loves the that she's working from home whilst taking care of her family. She spends weekends on the beach with her husband and two kids.

2024 Community’s Choice Award Winners

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